Security News

Data reveals Tampa as the top hot spot for online fraud and ThreatMetrix found a correlation between top cities for fraud and those home to hosted data centers. The top 10 list of U.S. cities fo...

Applications are becoming more accessible on the web across all industries including gaming, e-commerce, software, and media. This is great for reaching new customers around the globe, but along with ...

Kaspersky Lab has discovered that the Darkhotel group, an elite spying crew uncovered by its experts in 2014 and famous for infiltrating Wi-Fi networks in luxury hotels to compromise selected corporat...

Cognosec has revealed critical security flaws in ZigBee, one of the most popular wireless communication standards used by Internet of Things (IoT) devices today. Speaking at Black Hat USA 2015 in L...

Technology has transformed the way organisations work and its evolution is now faster than ever before. The promise of IT transformation presents many opportunities for businesses, but the number of o...