Security News

Brett Solomon on Digital Rights
2024-07-19 16:02

About Bruce Schneier I am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people. I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

Navigating Europe’s digital identity crossroads
2024-07-08 08:54

The trouble is that while we think of the world as a digital one, digital identity is a problem yet to be solved. As a blueprint for the national digital identity schemes, eIDAS 2.0 introduces the concept of the EU digital identity wallet.

Product showcase: Protect digital identities with Swissbit’s iShield Key Pro
2024-07-01 04:00

The iShield Key Pro series from Swissbit addresses these challenges by offering top-notch security combined with effortless usability. The iShield Key Pro series makes this a reality, offering a powerful hardware security token designed to simplify your daily tasks while significantly enhancing your digital security posture.

Security Analysis of the EU’s Digital Wallet
2024-06-27 11:06

About Bruce Schneier I am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people. I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

The biggest downsides of digital ID adoption
2024-06-14 04:00

One of the obstacles on the road to broad adoption of the Digital ID concept is the lack of a general legislative framework for this form of identity proofing. In particular, 74% of respondents underscore the necessity for global digital ID standards and legislation to ensure interoperability of such IDs across borders.

Businesses must prioritize digital trust to avoid major problems
2024-06-03 04:00

As organizations pursue digital transformation, they urgently need to prioritize digital trust to achieve their goals and prepare for future market opportunities, legislation, and regulatory compliance, according to ISACA. The ISACA State of Digital Trust 2024 report finds that 77% of respondents agree that digital trust is crucial to digital transformation and 82% say digital trust will grow in importance over the next five years. Despite this recognition, almost 71% report that their organization provides no staff training on digital trust and only 21% of organizations plan to increase their budget for digital trust.

Beyond Threat Detection – A Race to Digital Security
2024-05-31 11:00

Digital content is a double-edged sword, providing vast benefits while simultaneously posing significant threats to organizations across the globe. The sharing of digital content has increased...

Digital ID adoption: Implementation and security concerns
2024-05-27 03:30

As digital transformation accelerates, understanding how businesses are preparing for and implementing digital ID technologies is crucial for staying ahead in security and efficiency, according to Regula. A digital ID is an online representation of an individual containing personal information, credentials, and attributes used to establish and authenticate identity in digital spaces.

NHS Digital hints at exploit sightings of Arcserve UDP vulnerabilities
2024-05-14 09:29

Your profile can be used to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests. Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services, possible interests and personal aspects.

Dropbox Discloses Breach of Digital Signature Service Affecting All Users
2024-05-02 10:19

Cloud storage services provider Dropbox on Wednesday disclosed that Dropbox Sign (formerly HelloSign) was breached by unidentified threat actors, who accessed emails, usernames, and general...