Security News > 2024 > May > Digital ID adoption: Implementation and security concerns

Digital ID adoption: Implementation and security concerns
2024-05-27 03:30

As digital transformation accelerates, understanding how businesses are preparing for and implementing digital ID technologies is crucial for staying ahead in security and efficiency, according to Regula.

A digital ID is an online representation of an individual containing personal information, credentials, and attributes used to establish and authenticate identity in digital spaces.

Currently, 42% of organizations worldwide are actively integrating digital ID technologies into their systems, and 31% are in the early stages of implementation.

As digital ID adoption grows, it is essential to recognize and address the potential negative impacts respondents highlighted.

The most significant concern is the increased risk of data breaches and cybersecurity threats, which underscores the critical need for robust security measures in digital ID systems.

"As the Forrester experts note in the study, the complexities and disparities of global implementation across various landscapes highlight the strategic necessity of adopting a hybrid approach to digital IDs. Moreover, there is no single, universally accepted set of global standards for digital IDs that applies across all countries and sectors. Therefore, the large number of companies at the stage of active implementation demonstrates a growing need for frameworks and guidelines that aim to foster interoperability, security, and privacy across different digital ID systems," said Ihar Kliashchou, CTO at Regula.

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