Security News

Prepare your applications and users for big changes on 13 October 2020.

If you haven't recently updated your Drupal-based blog or business website to the latest available versions, it's the time. Drupal development team yesterday released important security updates...

There's hardly any business nowadays that don't use computers and connect to the Internet. Companies maintain an online presence through their official websites, blogs, and social media pages....

Today’s 24/7 Internet access world underlines the importance of fine-tuned web filters and content security across K-12 networks.

$10 Million GDPR Fine Imposed on German Telco 1&1 read more

They also want a ban on interfering with their cookies Amid the final rulemaking before the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is scheduled to take effect next year, five ad industry groups...

A platform that allows online applications for copies of birth certificates did not store its data properly.

Names, addresses, phone numbers, call and text message records and account PINs were all caught up in a cloud misconfiguration.

Veeam Software, the leader in Backup solutions that deliver Cloud Data Management, announced NEW Veeam Backup for Amazon Web Services (AWS), cost-effective and secure cloud-native Amazon Elastic...

Add-ons accused of slurping every URL netizens visit The Firefox extensions built by Avast have been pulled from the open-source browser's online add-on store over privacy fears.…