Security News

Apple Patches DROWN, Lockscreen Bypass Vulnerability, With Latest Round of Updates (Threatpost)
2016-05-17 15:20

Apple on Monday rolled out a series of patches for nearly all of its operating systems, including fixes for March's DROWN vulnerability in OS X and a lockscreen bypass vulnerability in iOS.

Week in review: Docker security, SWIFT warns of new attacks, SAP vulnerability exploited (Help Net Security)
2016-05-16 12:00

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: SWIFT warns of new attacks, Bangladesh Bank heist linked to Sony hack They believe that its customers are facing “a...

Vulnerability management trends in Asia Pacific (Help Net Security)
2016-05-12 12:45

A new study conducted by Forrester Consulting evaluated perceived challenges, drivers and benefits of various vulnerability management strategies and investments based on responses from...

SAP vulnerability exploited to compromise enterprises worldwide (Help Net Security)
2016-05-11 21:50

A SAP vulnerability, patched over five years ago, is being leveraged to exploit SAP systems of many large-scale global enterprises, US-CERT warns. At least 36 organizations in the US, the UK,...