Security News

How security researchers deal with risks stemming from their activities
2018-04-11 15:07

Broad and inconsistent interpretations of behind the times laws, new anti-infosec legislation, lawsuits and criminal prosecutions are having a chilling effect on security research. It’s difficult...

Researchers Link New Android Backdoor to North Korean Hackers
2018-04-06 14:54

The recently discovered KevDroid Android backdoor is tied to the North Korean hacking group APT37, Palo Alto Networks researchers say. read more

1.5 Billion Sensitive Documents on Open Internet: Researchers
2018-04-05 13:43

Some 1.5 billion sensitive online files, from pay stubs to medical scans to patent applications, are visible on the open internet, security researchers said Thursday. Researchers from the...

Microsoft Patches for Meltdown Introduced Severe Flaw: Researcher
2018-03-28 11:03

Some of the Windows updates released by Microsoft to mitigate the Meltdown vulnerability introduce an even more severe security hole, a researcher has warned. Microsoft has released patches for...

Netflix, Dropbox promise not to sue security researchers, with caveats
2018-03-23 20:26

Netflix and Dropbox have both noted recently that they won’t sue security researchers who find and disclose vulnerabilities in their products. The only caveat is: the researchers must conduct the...

Online Sandbox Services Used to Exfiltrate Data: Researcher
2018-03-20 18:27

Attackers can use online sandbox services to exfiltrate data from an isolated network, a SafeBreach security researcher has discovered. The new research is based on the discovery that cloud...

Researchers Show How Popular Text Editors Can Be Attacked Via Third-Party Plugins
2018-03-19 22:16

Security risk in extensible text editors enable hackers to abuse plugins and escalate privileges.

AMD Chip Flaws Confirmed by More Researchers
2018-03-19 17:23

Another cybersecurity firm has independently confirmed some of the AMD processor vulnerabilities discovered by Israel-based CTS Labs, but the controversial disclosure has not had a significant...

Researchers Find Critical Security Flaws in AMD Chips
2018-03-13 19:45

Security researchers said Tuesday they discovered flaws in chips made by Advanced Micro Devices that could allow hackers to take over computers and networks. Israeli-based security firm CTS Labs...

Researchers find critical flaws in SecurEnvoy SecurMail, patch now!
2018-03-13 15:23

If you’re a user of SecurEnvoy SecurMail and you haven’t yet implemented the latest patch, do so now – or risk getting your encrypted emails read by attackers. The warning comes from SEC Consult...