Security News

Beware: Apple's Password Manager Has A Zero-Day Flaw
2017-09-29 10:17

Attackers Can Steal Clear-Text Credentials From the Keychain, Researcher WarnsA zero-day vulnerability in Apple's built-in password manager can be exploited, allowing attackers to steal all stored...

Overall Security of Password Managers Debatable, Cracking Firm Says (Security Week)
2017-08-15 11:33

A password recovery firm has claimed that the overall security of password managers is debatable. "Are password managers more secure than keeping a list of passwords in a single Excel...

OneLogin Password Manager Hacked; Users’ Data Can be Decrypted (The Hackers News)
2017-06-01 12:59

Do you use OneLogin password manager? If yes, then immediately change all your account passwords right now. OneLogin, the cloud-based password management and identity management software company,...