Security News > 2020

Several Botnets Using Zero-Day Vulnerability to Target Fiber Routers
2020-04-17 18:12

Multiple botnets are targeting a zero-day vulnerability in fiber routers in an attempt to ensnare them and leverage their power for malicious purposes, security researchers warn. Security researchers with Qihoo 360's Netlab have observed multiple attempts to target the 0day, some before the PoC was published, starting with the Moobot botnet that successfully used an exploit for the vulnerability in February.

Developers: This new tool spots critical security bugs 97% of the time
2020-04-17 17:01

By pairing the system with human security experts, Microsoft said it was able to develop an algorithm that was not only able to correctly identify security bugs with nearly 100% accuracy, but also correctly flag critical, high priority bugs 97% of the time. According to Microsoft, its team of 47,000 developers generate some 30,000 bugs every month across its AzureDevOps and GitHub silos, causing headaches for security teams whose job it is to ensure critical security vulnerabilities don't go missed.

That critical VMware vuln allowed anyone on your network to create new admin users, no creds needed
2020-04-17 15:59

A critical vulnerability in VMware's vCenter management product allowed any old bod on the same network to remotely create an admin-level user, research by Guardicore Labs has revealed. The astonishing vuln, details of which were quite spare when VMWare issued a patch last week, was rated by VMware itself as CVSS v3 10.0, the highest level.

Google Sees Millions of COVID-19-Related Malicious Emails Daily
2020-04-17 15:54

Over the past week, Google has observed more than 18 million malware and phishing emails related to COVID-19 being sent out every day. On a daily basis, Gmail blocks 100 million phishing emails.

The DoD Isn't Fixing Its Security Problems
2020-04-17 15:35

In a majority of cases, DoD has not completed the cybersecurity training and awareness tasks it set out to. The report focuses on three ongoing DoD cybersecurity hygiene initiatives.

Zoom Bombing Attack Hits U.S. Government Meeting
2020-04-17 14:44

A U.S. House Oversight Committee meeting was the most recent victim of a Zoom bombing attack, after the meeting was disrupted at least three different times by uninvited attendees. Previous reports of Zoom bombing incidents have pointed to the trolls spreading hate speech such as racist messages, threats of sexual harassment, and pornographic images, which have reportedly driven meeting participants offline or forced meetings to be abruptly cancelled.

Ad Fraud Operation Accounted for Large Amount of Connected TV Traffic
2020-04-17 14:34

A Connected TV ad fraud operation managed to generate as much as 28% of the CTV traffic observed in January 2020 by White Ops, a company that specializes in bot fraud protection. White Ops discovered that "66% of programmatic CTV-related SSAI traffic and 15% of programmatic mobile-related SSAI traffic" was part of this operation in January 2020.

Hackers Update Age-Old Excel 4.0 Macro Attack
2020-04-17 14:33

Hackers have updated the age-old Excel malware attack technique with a new passwordless twist. Researchers from security firm Trustwave said they discovered a new malspam campaign that sends Excel 4.0 xls 97-2003 files with a compromised macro in email messages.

Microsoft: Do this to secure your remote desktop users
2020-04-17 14:33

Microsoft has warned of the risks associated with allowing remote access to desktop services while working from home, publishing guidance on how IT teams can maintain secure working environments when faced with an increase in remote connections. Although Remote Desktop Services can be a fast way to enable remote access for employees, there are a number of security challenges that need to be considered said James Ringold, enterprise security advisor for Microsoft's Cybersecurity Solutions Group.

DHS Working on Cloud-based Root-of-Trust to Secure Agency Email on Mobile Devices
2020-04-17 13:26

The DHS is partnering with BlueRISC Inc to develop Cloud-based Root-of-Trust technology to keep agency email separate and secure on corporate-owned, personally enabled devices, even when the user operates personal email from the same device. "The EPRIVO Enterprise 2.0 email system ensures the confidentiality of email in transit, in cloud storage at an email service provider, and when stored on the mobile device, providing both physical and cryptographically based protections," said Kris Carver, BlueRISC Technical Director.