Security News

Microsoft releases critical patches, improves IE security (Help Net Security)
2015-06-10 10:16

This June Patch Tuesday we have a slightly smaller patch load from Microsoft, taking us back to more historic average releases of eight bulletins. We have just two critical patches to deal with and si...

49 suspected members of cybercriminal group arrested in Europe (Help Net Security)
2015-06-10 09:36

Yesterday, a joint international operation led to the dismantling of a group of cybercriminals active in Italy, Spain, Poland, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Georgia, who are suspected of committing ...

Swift adoption of cloud and mobile drives insider threats (Help Net Security)
2015-06-10 08:38

Bitglass surveyed 500 IT and security practitioners and found that 62 percent have seen an increase in insider threats over the last 12 months. As more data leaves the network via cloud apps and ...

Hackers can tamper with medical drug pumps, leading to fatal outcomes (Help Net Security)
2015-06-10 07:46

Researcher Billy Rios has discovered serious vulnerabilities in several types of drug infusion pumps manufactured by US-based company Hospira - vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely by attack...

Massive growth in new ransomware, malware targeting Adobe Flash (Help Net Security)
2015-06-10 07:25

In the first quarter of 2015, McAfee Labs registered a 165 percent increase in new ransomware driven largely by the new, hard-to-detect CTB-Locker ransomware family, a new ransomware family called Tes...

Financial impact of SaaS storage breaches $13.85 million (Help Net Security)
2015-06-10 06:39

Elastica analyzed hundreds of millions of enterprise files stored and shared within leading enterprise cloud applications. They identified key trends and insights that reveal cloud app usage, the type...