Security News

Researchers Discover New "Fallout" Exploit Kit
2018-09-07 17:57

A recently discovered exploit kit (EK) has been used in a campaign targeting users in Japan, Korea, the Middle East, Southern Europe, and other countries in the Asia Pacific region. read more

Active Spy Campaign Exploits Unpatched Windows Zero-Day
2018-09-06 16:01

The PowerPool gang launched its attack just two days after the zero-day in the Windows Task Scheduler was disclosed.

Do you really think crims would do that? Just go on the 'net and exploit a Windows zero-day?
2018-09-06 06:04

Don't wait for Patch Tuesday – check out these mitigations The Windows APLC security hole that emerged early last week remains unpatched, even though it is being actively exploited by hackers to...

Active Campaign Exploits Critical Apache Struts 2 Flaw in the Wild
2018-09-05 17:48

A Monero cryptomining script is spreading in an ongoing campaign using the recently disclosed critical remote command-execution flaw.

Microsoft Zero-Day Exploit Published Before Patch
2018-08-29 10:18

Exploit Code Published After Disclosure Process Appears to Have Gone SidewaysMicrosoft appears set to patch a zero-day local privilege escalation vulnerability after a research published...

Exploit Published for Windows Task Scheduler Zero-Day
2018-08-28 11:21

Details of an unpatched vulnerability in Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system were made public on Monday, via Twitter. read more

PoC exploit for critical Apache Struts flaw found online
2018-08-27 15:26

The Apache Software Foundation revealed last week the existence of a critical Apache Struts flaw (CVE-2018-11776) similar to the one exploited in the Equifax breach and urged organizations and...

PoC Code Surfaces to Exploit Apache Struts 2 Vulnerability
2018-08-24 22:07

Researchers find proof-of-concept code that can take advantage of the recently identified Apache Struts framework (CVE-2018-11776) vulnerability.

Airmail 3 Exploit Instantly Steals Info from Apple Users
2018-08-21 20:05

Attackers can abuse URL requests processed by an email program for Mac to steal files from the victim -- sometimes without user interaction.