Security News

Vulnerability landscape evolution for common desktop applications
2018-06-29 12:00

Flexera released Vulnerability Review 2018: Top Desktop Apps, part of the annual report series from Secunia Research. This new edition focuses on heavily used desktop applications, which can be...

Why Intel won't patch TLBleed vulnerability, despite serious concerns for cloud users
2018-06-25 12:49

A recently discovered flaw in how CPUs handle multithreading could leak cryptography keys, though Intel is declining to patch the issue.

Microsoft Edge users should patch to avoid data-scraping Wavethrough vulnerability
2018-06-21 12:26

A vulnerability in the browser allows a malicious website to read the contents of other web pages.

Perverse Vulnerability from Interaction between 2-Factor Authentication and iOS AutoFill
2018-06-20 11:51

Apple is rolling out an iOS security usability feature called Security code AutoFill. The basic idea is that the OS scans incoming SMS messages for security codes and suggests them in AutoFill, so...

Yubico snatched my login token vulnerability to claim a $5k Google bug bounty, says bloke
2018-06-18 23:21

USB gizmo biz apologies amid infosec drama Yubico has apologized to a security vulnerability researcher who had complained the dongle peddler lifted his work to nab a $5,000 Google bug bounty.…

Vulnerability in GnuPG allowed digital signature spoofing for decades
2018-06-15 16:31

A vulnerability affecting GnuPG has made some of the widely used email encryption software vulnerable to digital signature spoofing for many years. The list of affected programs includes Enigmail...

Microsoft Patches Code Execution Vulnerability in wimgapi Library
2018-06-15 11:49

Microsoft this week patched a remote code execution vulnerability affecting the wimgapi library, which is used to perform operations on Windows Imaging Format (WIM) files. read more

GnuPG Vulnerability Allows Spoofing of Message Signatures
2018-06-14 18:30

GnuPG recently addressed an input sanitization vulnerability where a remote attacker could spoof arbitrary signatures. read more

Meltdown-Like 'LazyFP' Vulnerability Impacts Intel CPUs
2018-06-14 14:48

Intel and software vendors have started informing users about a new vulnerability involving side channel speculative execution that could be exploited by malicious actors to obtain sensitive...