Security News
Cyber threat intelligence sharing is a critical tool for security analysts. Common challenges for beginning a cyber threat intelligence sharing program.
According to the data, in H1 2020, 43 percent of the malicious mails on the radars of Group-IB Threat Detection System had attachments with spyware or links leading to their downloading. Ransomware, which in the second half of 2019 hid in every second malicious email, almost disappeared from the mailboxes in the first six months of this year with a share of less than 1 percent.
The usage of banking services through a mobile app has quickly been embraced by consumers. Currently, researches indicate that mobile banking apps are often not as secure as expected.
The phrase "Assume breach" has been transformational to enterprise security investment and defensive strategy for a few years but may now be close to retirement. Sizable investments in enterprisewide visibility should have reversed the much older adage "a defender needs to be right all the time, while the attacker needs to be right only once" into something like "An attacker needs to be invisible all the time, while the defender needs them to slip up only once." Unfortunately, security operations and threat-hunting teams have found that instead of automatically spotting needles in a haystack, they must now manage haystacks of needles-if they're properly equipped.
A new survey of cybersecurity experts by Gartner found that analysts are most concerned about the rapidly evolving threat landscape, which has changed exponentially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gartner conducted the Security and IAM Solution Adoption Trend Survey online in March and April, taking in responses from 405 experts in North America, Western Europe, and the Asia/Pacific region.
With these capabilities, Oracle is the only cloud service provider to offer a cloud security posture management dashboard at no additional cost, with numerous pre-built tools that automate response to reduce customer risk quickly and efficiently. Oracle Maximum Security Zones and Oracle Cloud Guard embed decades of enterprise security expertise and best practices into the Oracle public cloud in an autonomous fashion, accelerating customers' ability to ramp up to their cloud estate securely from inception.
McAfee announced its latest consumer security portfolio that includes enhanced products with better user experiences such as a native VPN and new features, including integrated social media and tech scam protection. Meeting consumers in their current realities, these new functionalities are designed to protect users from current threats as they navigate professional and personal life from home.
Cybercriminals are increasingly exploiting the Cobalt Strike testing toolkit to carry out ransomware campaigns, says Cisco Talos Incident Response.
After a short lesson in internet history, the author puts the reader in the shoes of the attacker and explains how simple it is to hack a website, as well as how easy it is to obtain and apply hacking tools. The author proceeds to offer basic knowledge about how the internet, browsers, web servers and programmers work.
Attacks can tuck in between security silos created as a result of disconnected solution alerts and gaps during security triaging and attack investigations. As presented in the IDC InfoBrief, 23 percent of companies say that their security teams spend more time maintaining and managing security tools instead of conducting actual security investigations.