Security News
![Scary Galaxy S5 scanner flaw will let hackers copy your fingerprints (Yahoo Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyberattack-statistics-1-small.jpg)
![Wi-Fi software security bug could leave Android, Windows, Linux open to attack (ArsTechnica)](/static/build/img/news/alt/phishing-stats-2-small.jpg)
![From Kaspersky To Webroot, Major Security Firms Can't Even Get Basic Android Encryption Right (Forbes)](/static/build/img/news/alt/managed-security-small.jpg)
![The Real ‘Next Generation’ of Security Revealed at RSA (Threatpost)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybercrime-statistics-small.jpg)
During his RSA keynote today, Juniper Networks' Chris Hoff shared the stage with 9-year-old hacker Reuben Paul, in a talk meant to be a call to action for the security industry to teach young...
![What Machine Learning Can Bring to IT Security (SecurityWeek)](/static/build/img/news/alt/breach-statistics-small.jpg)
![Microsoft takes security to a new level with Device Guard (TechRepublic)](/static/build/img/news/alt/managed-security-small.jpg)
![Gemalto's solutions challenge today’s security thinking (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybersecurity-attacker-small.jpg)
Gemalto demonstrates at RSA Conference 2015 how its SafeNet Identity and Data Protection solutions help enterprises challenge today's security thinking with a new data security mindset that focuses on...
![BalaBit releases syslog-ng Premium Edition with Big Data support (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/hackers-statistics-small.jpg)
At RSA Conference 2015, BalaBit announced an improved version of the company's syslog-ng Premium Edition 5F3 featuring enhanced support for big data environments, which does an exceptional job of mana...
![Massive comparison pits the Apple Watch against every top rival (Yahoo Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/managed-security-small.jpg)
![Security flaw lets attackers cripple your iPhone and theres no way to stop them (Yahoo Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/breach-statistics-small.jpg)