Security News

Researcher: AT&T Routers Can Be Easily Compromised (InfoRiskToday)
2017-09-05 13:03

'Prepare to Be Horrified,' Researcher Writes About Arris-Made RoutersAT&T's U-verse routers and gateways contain a bevy of internet-of-things coding errors that could be easily exploited by...

Researchers Devise Hopeful Defense Against Credential Spear Phishing Attacks (Security Week)
2017-09-05 12:07

Security Researchers Have Proposed a New and Effective Way to Detect Credential Spearphishing Attacks in the Enterprise read more

Researchers Link New "Gazer" Backdoor to Turla Cyberspies (Security Week)
2017-08-31 12:13

Gazer/WhiteBear is Sophisticated Malware That Has Been Used Against High-profile Targets Security researchers and ESET and Kaspersky Lab have unveiled details on a new backdoor used by the...

Researchers Poison Machine Learning Engines (Security Week)
2017-08-31 11:55

The more that artificial intelligence is incorporated into our computer systems, the more it will be explored by adversaries looking for weaknesses to exploit. read more

Researchers figured out how to disable the Intel ME controller on Intel chipsets (Help Net Security)
2017-08-29 20:53

Researchers have discovered that Intel Management Engine (Intel ME) 11, a dedicated (and non-optional) microcontroller integrated into all Intel chipsets, can be disabled through a publicly...

Researchers Figure Out How to Blind ISPs from Smart Home Device Traffic (Threatpost)
2017-08-29 19:04

Researchers have come up with a way to blind ISPs and attackers in a man-in-the-middle position to network traffic emanating from smart home devices.

Researchers devise app to protect PINs and passwords (Help Net Security)
2017-08-24 18:59

Every ATM or smartphone user can attest to the discomfort of having a stranger standing close enough to observe a financial transaction — and potentially note a PIN or account number. Now...

Researchers Demo Remote Hacking of Industrial Cobots (Security Week)
2017-08-22 20:03

Researchers at security firm IOActive have shown how a remote attacker can hack an industrial collaborative robot, or cobot, and modify its safety settings, which could result in physical harm to...

Facebook Awards $100K to Researchers for Credential Spearphishing Detection Method (Threatpost)
2017-08-21 18:28

Researchers who identified a real-time way to detect credential spearphishing attacks in enterprise settings won $100,000 from Facebook last week.

Hackers Can Hijack Phones via Replacement Screens: Researchers (Security Week)
2017-08-18 17:07

Touchscreens and other components that are often replaced in smartphones and tablets can hide malicious chips capable of giving attackers complete control over the device, warned researchers at...