Security News

Richard Clarke: American Grandstand
2003-02-07 08:39

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon [Most recent security rant. Not including the entire article here because you need to see the snazzy cartoon that accompanies the rant!]...

FC: Richard Clarke misstates Canadian elections cancelled? (fwd)
2003-02-05 07:14

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Declan McCullagh X-Sender: declan () mail well com To: politech () politechbot com Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 14:06:47...

Study: Slammer was fastest-spreading worm yet
2003-02-04 10:50,10801,78120,00.html By Martyn Williams IDG News Service FEBRUARY 03, 2003 A just-completed study into the Slammer worm, which hit the...

Free benchmark could have found Slammer vulnerability
2003-02-03 06:22,10801,78063,00.html By DAN VERTON JANUARY 31, 2003 Not only could companies have easily slammed the door on the Slammer worm if...

Black Hat Announcements
2003-01-28 18:39

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss Hello ISN subscribers, Black Hat would like to make three announcements that may be of interest here. - First I would like to make the final announcement for the Black...

Internet Worm Hits Airline, Banks
2003-01-27 11:04 By Brian Krebs Staff Writer January 26, 2003 An Internet worm unleashed on Saturday impaired key systems in...

Virus attack reveals flaw in network security strategies
2003-01-27 11:03 By ANICK JESDANUN, AP Internet Writer NEW YORK (January 26, 2003 4:20 p.m. EST) - The latest virus-like attack on the Internet...

Could Attack on DALnet Spell End for IRC?
2003-01-25 11:08 By Thor Olavsrud January 24, 2003 For at least a month, distributed denial of service, or DDOS, attacks have been crippling DALnet,...

Hackers Demand Benefits
2003-01-25 11:04 By Brian Sizemore January 23m 2003 Washington DC - A group of hackers, crackers and malicious code writers filed suit today against several...

Gates pledges better software security
2003-01-24 10:26 [Ten weeks of security training for employees is commendable, but security is always evolving; this is akin to the state driving...