Security News

Severity of 127-day-old W2K flaw 'being determined'
2004-12-09 08:15 By Sam Varghese December 8, 2004 A longstanding security vulnerability in...

Survey: Most EMEA countries unprepared for a disaster
2004-12-08 07:59,10801,98098,00.html By Samantha Perry DECEMBER 07, 2004 Computerworld South Africa JOHANNESBURG - Veritas Software Corp. last...

Tougher Cyber-Security Measures Urged
2004-12-08 07:58 By Brian Krebs Special to The Washington Post December 8, 2004 A group representing technology industry executives yesterday...

Gartner: Consumers dissatisfied with online security
2004-12-07 08:25,10801,98083,00.html By Paul Roberts DECEMBER 06, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE A survey conducted by Gartner Inc. shows that online consumers...

Q&A: ISS exec on security threat prevention
2004-12-06 09:27,10801,98047,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan DECEMBER 03, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Security architectures that are designed solely to react to...

Linux Advisory Watch - December 3rd 2004
2004-12-06 09:27

+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Weekly Newsletter | | December 3rd, 2004 Volume 5, Number 48a |...

Former cybersecurity czar: Code-checking tools needed
2004-12-03 09:40,10801,97988,00.html By Grant Gross DECEMBER 02, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON -- Software vendors need automated tools that look for...

Microsoft releases patch to plug IE vulnerability
2004-12-02 06:49,10801,97957,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan DECEMBER 01, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD As expected, Microsoft Corp. today released an out-of-cycle...

DallasCon Professional Cyber Defense Conference
2004-12-02 06:48

Forwarded from: DallasCon DallasCon Professional Cyber Defense Conference May 2-7, 2005 Dallas, Texas The wait is over! The fastest growing and the most respected security event in the Southwest...

Black Hat CFPs now open: Europe and Asia
2004-12-01 11:09

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello ISN, I've been a bit quiet lately, but with Thanksgiving over I wanted to announce our latest round of CFPs. BLACK HAT...