Security News

Feds Indict 7 Russians for Hacking and Disinformation
2018-10-05 13:18

Russian Military Intelligence Team Allegedly Conducted Close-Access OperationsThe U.S. Justice Department unsealed a criminal indictment charging seven alleged Russian GRU military intelligence...

Your specialist subject? The bleedin' obvious... Feds warn of RDP woe
2018-09-28 03:31

We'd assume sysadmins knew this, if SamSam wasn't still rampaging through nteworks The FBI and the US Department of Homeland Security have added their voices to warnings of insecure deployments of...

No, the Mirai botnet masters aren't going to jail. Why? 'Cos they help Feds nab cyber-crims
2018-09-20 06:01

Probation, comm service for poachers turned gamekeepers The three brains behind the Mirai malware, which infects and pressgangs Internet-of-Things devices into a botnet army, have avoided jail.…

Gits exposed, kinky app devs spanked, Feds spy on spyware buyers, etc
2018-09-08 09:46

Mac APT unearthed and other infosec bits and bytes summarized just for you Roundup This week brought with it a Supermicro shoring up firmware security, a North Korean hacking charge, and a spying...

Feds Charge North Korean With Devastating Cyberattacks
2018-09-07 12:33

WannaCry, Sony Pictures and Bangladesh Bank Attacks Tie to Suspect, FBI SaysU.S. prosecutors have accused a 34-year-old North Korean man of involvement in some of the most destructive and...

Feds Charge Lone North Korean With Devastating Cyberattacks
2018-09-07 09:03

WannaCry, Sony Pictures and Bangladesh Bank Attacks Tie to Suspect, FBI SaysU.S. prosecutors have accused a lone, 34-year-old North Korean man of involvement in some of the most destructive and...

Possible Satori botnet hacker indicted by Feds
2018-09-03 10:59

A 20 year-old man has been indicted for computer crimes by a federal court in Alaska. Evidence suggests that he could be linked to the Satori botnet that exploited a previously unknown bug in a...

US Democrats call in Feds: There's something phishy going on with our voter database
2018-08-23 12:47

Fake website designed to harvest staffer credentials The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has called in the FBI after uncovering an apparent attack against its internal voter database system.…

Crypto Wars Continue, as Feds Seek Messenger Backdoor
2018-08-20 15:33

FBI's Latest Backdoor Push Involves Facebook Messenger, Reuters ReportsIt's déjà vu "FBI vs. Apple" all over again, as Reuters reports that the Justice Department is seeking to compel Facebook to...

Feds indict 12 for allegedly buying iPhones on other people’s dimes
2018-08-13 12:43

They allegedly hacked into phone accounts, convinced retailers they were who they weren't, and upgraded to shiny new gadgets for small fees.