Security News

Including Spanish camgirl sites spill info, domain registrars hacked Roundup Let's check out some of the more recent security happenings beyond what we've already covered.…

Google on Thursday patched a Chrome zero-day vulnerability that has been exploited to deliver malware in a campaign that shares similarities with previous Korea-linked attacks. read more

Google warns exploits in the wild against a Use After Free vulnerability in Chrome's audio component.

Attention readers, if you are using Chrome on your Windows, Mac, and Linux computers, you need to update your web browsing software immediately to the latest version Google released earlier today....

Well, their version of it won't, they claim Chrome devs have had a little rant about "misinformation", repeating that DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) won't yet be introduced by default in upcoming builds of...

Google has patched three more serious Chrome vulnerabilities that can be exploited to escape the web browser’s sandbox, and awarded the researcher who reported them a total of $50,000. read more

You'll have to tag those for cross-site use from February Google is asking developers to get ready for more secure cookie settings to be implemented in Chrome 80 that is planned for release in...

Google this week released Chrome 78 to the stable channel with numerous improvements, including a total of 37 security fixes for vulnerabilities discovered by the company on its own and external...

Google has improved the Site Isolation feature in Chrome to help defend against more types of attacks. read more

Ignore the overhead, enjoy Site Isolation – a defense against side-channel attacks Last year, Google deployed Site Isolation in desktop versions of its Chrome browser as a defense against CPU...