Security News

Xi's freelance infosec warriors apparently paid up to $75K to crack a single American inbox US government agencies announced Wednesday criminal charges against alleged members of China's Silk...

They're good at zero-day exploits, too Silk Typhoon, the Chinese government crew believed to be behind the December US Treasury intrusions, has been abusing stolen API keys and cloud credentials...

The China-lined threat actor behind the zero-day exploitation of security flaws in Microsoft Exchange servers in January 2021 has shifted its tactics to target the information technology (IT)...

Boffins poked around inside censorship engines for years before Beijing patched hole Smart folks investigating a memory-dumping vulnerability in the Great Firewall of China (GFW) finally released...

Of course, Microsoft is in the mix, isn't it Chinese spies reportedly broke into the US Republication National Committee's Microsoft-powered email and snooped around for months before being caught.…

Silver Fox, a China-based threat actor that may or may not be backed by the Chinese government, has been delivering the ValleyRAT backdoor to unsuspecting users by disguising the malware as...

Sly like a PRC cyberattack A Chinese government-backed group is spoofing legitimate medical software to hijack hospital patients' computers, infecting them with backdoors, credential-swiping...

An analysis of a data leak from a Chinese cybersecurity company TopSec has revealed that it likely offers censorship-as-a-service solutions to prospective customers, including a state-owned...

A previously unknown threat activity cluster targeted European organizations, particularly those in the healthcare sector, to deploy PlugX and its successor, ShadowPad, with the intrusions...

Networks in US and beyond compromised by Beijing's super-snoops pulling off priv-esc attacks China's Salt Typhoon spy crew exploited vulnerabilities in Cisco devices to compromise at least seven...