Security News

APT Group Exploiting Hacking Team Flash Zero Day (Threatpost)
2015-07-09 18:50

Security company Volexity said that the Wekby APT group, allegedly responsible for hitting Community Health Systems last year, is using the Hacking Team Flash Player zero-day exploit.

Sophisticated, successful Morpho APT group is after corporate data (Help Net Security)
2015-07-08 15:00

Two reports published on Wednesday by Symantec and Kaspersky Lab detail the recent attacks executed by an unusual APT group they have dubbed Morpho and Wild Neutron. The group was first spotted in ...

DDoS attacks now resemble APTs (Help Net Security)
2015-06-11 07:12

DDoS attacks are beginning to resemble advanced persistent threats, evidenced by long durations, repetition and changing attack vectors aimed at evading simple, signature-based defense systems, accord...

New APT Duqu 2.0 Hits High-Value Victims, Including Kaspersky Lab (Threatpost)
2015-06-10 12:05

The Duqu attackers, who are considered by researchers to be at the top of the food chain of APT groups and are responsible for attacking certificate authorities and perhaps spying on Iran’s...