Security News > 2020

ThreatList: Skype-Themed Apps Hide a Raft of Malware
2020-04-08 16:23

Popular conferencing apps have become a major cybercrime lure during the COVID-19 work-from-home era - and Skype is the undisputed leader when it comes to being impersonated by malicious downloads, researchers have found. An April analysis from Kaspersky uncovered a total of 120,000 suspicious malware and adware packages in the wild masquerading as versions of the video calling app.

Slack in the security spotlight – lessons for collaboration servers
2020-04-08 16:02

Most networks these days make do with one IP number that's shared between all the computers on the local network, which make do with so-called "Private IP numbers" that are reserved for internal use only. Because TURN servers can broker traffic between arbitrary services on arbitrary computers, you don't need to add TURN code to every type of server you run, meaning that you can dedicate TURN servers entirely to their job of "Packet brokering".

Cybersecurity prevention can save your company $682K
2020-04-08 15:14

According to the study, The Economic Value of Prevention in the Cybersecurity Lifecycle, which was sponsored by Deep Instinct, a company that uses neural networks to prevent cyber attacks, the economic value of preventing a cyberattack ranges from $396,000 to $1.37 million, depending on the type of attack. This may be because 80% respondents said that prevention is difficult to achieve because of three factors: it takes too long to identify threats before they become attacks; existing technology is not up to the task; and they lack the in-house expertise they need to prevent attacks.

Box unveils new automated malware detection tool for cloud platform
2020-04-08 15:00

To address this issue, cloud content management company Box is announcing a new feature that detects malware and immediately takes steps to contain it before it can spread across a network. For Box users, the system will let them know when an incoming file is infected with malware, block them from downloading or sharing it, and alert security teams or IT departments.

Cybercriminals, state-sponsored groups ramping up attacks exploiting COVID-19 pandemic
2020-04-08 14:48

Since January, the two longtime cybersecurity experts have looked at how cybercriminals, ransomware groups, and several nation state actors quickly became involved in coronavirus-themed attacks, leveraging fears about the virus to steal money and information from thousands of people. Cybercriminals have also expanded attacks to take advantage of the fact that most countries are under quarantine, forcing millions to now work from home.

The seL4 microkernel: Optimized for security and endorsed by the Linux Foundation
2020-04-08 14:25

The Linux Foundation is a fundamental organization for the promotion of open source software and has officially endorsed the seL4 microkernel. To further boost seL4, the Linux Foundation will host seL4 Foundation, which is a non-profit organization, established by Data61.

Cisco Research Shows High Success Rate in Bypassing Fingerprint Authentication
2020-04-08 13:38

Cisco has conducted a research project on bypassing fingerprint authentication systems and it achieved a success rate of roughly 80 percent, but the company's experts were unsuccessful against Windows devices. In the case of mobile phones, the researchers bypassed fingerprint authentication on a majority of devices.

WhatsApp Axes COVID-19 Mass Message Forwarding
2020-04-08 13:24

In an effort to stem what it says is misinformation being spread on its platform, WhatsApp is limiting the number of recipients to which its users can forward certain messages about the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, users of the Facebook-owned messaging app can only forward messages with double arrows - i.e., those that did not originate from a close contact - to one person rather than multiple WhatsApp contacts, according to a company post published Tuesday.

Hackers' New Target During Pandemic: Video Conference Calls
2020-04-08 13:08

Hackers had targeted the meeting on the video conference platform Zoom while Weber was completing the final step of her doctoral degree at Duke University. In New York, Attorney General Letitia James sent a letter to Zoom with questions about how users' privacy and security are being protected.

‘Fake Fingerprints’ Bypass Scanners with 3D Printing
2020-04-08 13:00

New research has found that it's possible to use 3D printing technology to create "Fake fingerprints" that can bypass most fingerprint scanners used by popular devices. Cisco Talos today came out with some new research regarding how these scanners can be defeated using different technologies like 3D printing, and basically looking at fingerprint scanners and the security behind them in general.