Security News > 2020 > October

FBI, DHS, HHS Warn of Imminent, Credible Ransomware Threat Against U.S. Hospitals
2020-10-29 00:43

Today, officials from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security hastily assembled a conference call with healthcare industry executives warning about an "Imminent cybercrime threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers." The agencies on the conference call, which included the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, warned participants about "Credible information of an increased and imminent cybercrime threat to US hospitals and healthcare providers."

Maze ransomware is shutting down its cybercrime operation
2020-10-29 00:31

The Maze cybercrime gang is shutting down its operations after rising to become one of the most prominent players performing ransomware attacks. Maze continued to evolve ransomware operations by forming a ransomware cartel with Ragnar Locker and LockBit, to share information and tactics.

Trenton Systems and FUTURA Cyber provide encryption key management of FIPS 140-2 SEDs
2020-10-29 00:00

Trenton Systems has partnered with cybersecurity solutions company FUTURA Cyber to provide customers with access control security management for FIPS 140-2 self-encrypting drives. "FUTURA Cyber is led by people with an unparalleled depth and experience in cybersecurity, software, and systems engineering," said Sean Campbell, Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Business Development at Trenton Systems.

Stairwell secures $4.5M to help security teams defend against the most sophisticated threats
2020-10-28 23:45

Mike Wiacek, founder of Google's Threat Analysis Group and co-founder / former Chief Security Officer of Alphabet moonshot Chronicle, leads the company as its CEO and founder. Stairwell wants to provide security teams with accessible, user-centric tools that help them understand the pivotal relationships between their external and internal data sources.

NSA: We've learned our lesson after foreign spies used one of our crypto backdoors – but we can't say how exactly
2020-10-28 23:44

It's said the NSA drew up a report on what it learned after a foreign government exploited a weak encryption scheme, championed by the US spying agency, in Juniper firewall software. On Wednesday, Reuters reporter Joseph Menn published an account of US Senator Ron Wyden's efforts to determine whether the NSA is still in the business of placing backdoors in US technology products.

Cymatic names Stuart McClure to its advisory board
2020-10-28 23:30

Cymatic announced that Stuart McClure, founder and former chief executive of AI security firm Cylance, has been named to the Cymatic advisory board. Stuart's security and technology expertise will provide Cymatic with technical guidance and market leadership to ensure the success and relevance of its all-in-one client-side WAF CymaticONE + VADR. Stuart is widely recognized for his achievements in applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to endpoint protection and defense.

FBI, DHS Warn Of Possible Major Ransomware Attacks On Healthcare Systems
2020-10-28 22:59

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation, Departments of Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services issued a joint alert Wednesday warning of an "Imminent" increase in ransomware and other cyberattacks against hospitals and healthcare providers. "Malicious cyber actors are targeting the Sector with TrickBot malware, often leading to ransomware attacks, data theft, and the disruption of healthcare services," the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said in its advisory.

TrickBot Linux Variants Active in the Wild Despite Recent Takedown
2020-10-28 22:07

Efforts to disrupt TrickBot may have shut down most of its critical infrastructure, but the operators behind the notorious malware aren't sitting idle. According to new findings shared by cybersecurity firm Netscout, TrickBot's authors have moved portions of their code to Linux in an attempt to widen the scope of victims that could be targeted.

2 More Hospitals Hit by Growing Wave of Ransomware Attacks, As Feds Issue Warning
2020-10-28 21:43

UPDATE. Two more hospitals were hit with ransomware attacks this week as a growing number of criminals target healthcare facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The troubling trend prompted federal law enforcement and health officials, on Wednesday, to sound the alarm and issue a dire warning of more attacks to come.

Microsoft’s SMBGhost Flaw Still Haunts 108K Windows Systems
2020-10-28 20:36

More than 100,000 Windows systems have not yet been updated to protect against a previously-patched, critical and wormable flaw in Windows called SMBGhost. Microsoft patched the remote code-execution flaw bug tracked as CVE-2020-0796 back in March; it affects Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019, and ranks 10 out of 10 on the CVSS scale.