Security News > 2020 > March

Noble.AI completes contributions to TensorFlow, Google’s open-source framework for deep learning
2020-03-30 00:30

AI, whose artificial intelligence software is purpose-built for engineers, scientists, and researchers and enables them to innovate and make discoveries faster, announced that it had completed contributions to TensorFlow, the world's most popular open-source framework for deep learning created by Google. "Part of Noble's mission is building AI that's accessible to engineers, scientists and researchers, anytime and anywhere, without needing to learn or re-skill into computer science or AI theory," said Dr. Matthew C. Levy, Founder and CEO of Noble.

Keysight and NVIDIA boost development of flexible virtualized networks and high-value mobile services
2020-03-30 00:00

Keysight Technologies, a leading technology company that helps enterprises, service providers and governments accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, announced it is accelerating the development of flexible virtualized networks and high-value mobile services with NVIDIA. Mobile operators are in the process of transforming their networks, using a dynamic virtualized radio access network architecture and open RAN standard interfaces, to cost-effectively and flexibly deliver a broad range of services that rely on low latencies and high throughput. Keysight offers solutions that enable mobile operators and network equipment manufacturers to validate 5G and legacy radio access networks as well as core networks that are critical to ensuring the end-user experience of applications using vRAN architecture.

Google Skips Chrome 82, Resumes Stable Releases
2020-03-29 16:14

Google is on track to resume the roll-out of stable Chrome releases next week, but says it will skip one version of the browser.

Privacy Rights May Become Next Victim of Killer Pandemic
2020-03-29 14:16

Digital surveillance and smartphone technology may prove helpful in containing the coronavirus pandemic - but some activists fear this could mean lasting harm to privacy and digital rights. These moves have prompted soul-searching by privacy activists who acknowledge the need for technology to save lives while fretting over the potential for abuse.

Hackers Exploit Zero-Day Bugs in Draytek Devices to Target Enterprise Networks
2020-03-29 11:22

Cybersecurity researchers with Qihoo 360's NetLab today unveiled details of two recently spotted zero-day cyberattack campaigns in the wild targeting enterprise-grade networking devices manufactured by Taiwan-based DrayTek. According to the report, at least two separate groups of hackers exploited two critical remote command injection vulnerabilities affecting DrayTek Vigor enterprise switches, load-balancers, routers and VPN gateway devices to eavesdrop on network traffic and install backdoors.

Week in review: Python backdoor attacks, Windows zero-days under attack, crowdsourced pentesting
2020-03-29 09:45

Windows users under attack via two new RCE zero-daysAttackers are exploiting two new zero-days in the Windows Adobe Type Manager Library to achieve remote code execution on targeted Windows systems. Widely available ICS attack tools lower the barrier for attackersThe general availability of ICS-specific intrusion and attack tools is widening the pool of attackers capable of targeting operational technology networks and industrial control systems.

Europol: Criminals Exploit Virus Crisis as Fresh Opportunity
2020-03-28 15:58

Criminals are preying on a fearful public and disrupting the provision of medical care during the coronavirus pandemic by selling counterfeit products, impersonating health workers and hacking computers as many citizens do their jobs online at home, European law enforcement agency Europol said Friday. "Criminals have quickly seized the opportunities to exploit the crisis by adapting their modes of operation or developing new criminal activities," Europol Executive Director, Catherine de Bolle said in a statement.

Yeah, that Zoom app you're trusting with work chatter? It lives with 'vampires feeding on the blood of human data'
2020-03-27 21:49

As the global coronavirus pandemic pushes the popularity of videoconferencing app Zoom to new heights, one web veteran has sounded the alarm over its "Creepily chummy" relationship with tracking-based advertisers. Doc Searls, co-author of the influential internet marketing book The Cluetrain Manifesto last century, today warned [cached] Zoom not only has the right to extract data from its users and their meetings, it can work with Google and other ad networks to turn this personal information into targeted ads that follow them across the web.

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Can Edit Their Own Genome
2020-03-27 21:28

Revealing yet another super-power in the skillful squid, scientists have discovered that squid massively edit their own genetic instructions not only within the nucleus of their neurons, but also within the axon - the long, slender neural projections that transmit electrical impulses to other neurons. This is the first time that edits to genetic information have been observed outside of the nucleus of an animal cell.

How to create a Kubernetes security policy
2020-03-27 20:27

If you're looking to take your Kubernetes security to the next level, you'll want to start working with pod security policies. Here's a quick introduction to this feature.