Security News > 2019

TMF Group's Devender Kumar on Effectively Handling Vendor RiskIt's important to look into the inherent risks of engaging with vendors before getting into assessing individual companies, says...

BNP Paribas' Patrick Pitchappa on Application SecurityBecause open source components have known vulnerabilities, it's important for companies to invest in the right tools to help developers build...

Anish Ravindranathan of General Mills on How His Team Responds to AttacksBuilding a good incident response plan requires analytical skills, says Anish Ravindranathan, lead, cybersecurity detection...

Positive Technologies: Potential Risks Include DDoS, Phishing and Malware AttacksResearchers at Positive Technologies say they discovered a vulnerability in enterprise software offerings from...

Fox-IT Suspects APT20 Group Was InvolvedAn advanced persistent threat espionage campaign with suspected ties to the Chinese government quietly targeted businesses and governments in 10 countries...

Authorities in Thailand say they are investigating an apparent online break-in by a computer hacker that allowed him to broadcast surveillance video from inside a prison in the country's south. read more

How Common is it for Individuals to Remember PINs or Passwords Set by Entities Holding the Information They're Requesting?Humans have enough things to remember as it is and remembering yet another...

Security researchers continue to report that many of the primary threats to organizations today come from older attacks and exploits targeting vulnerable systems for which patches are readily...

He claimed to have logins for millions of iCloud accounts, and told Apple he'd shut them all down unless he received a payoff.

Mature machine learning can analyze attack strategies and look for underlying patterns that the AI system can use to predict an attacker's next move.