Security News > 2019 > August

Enabling responsible vulnerability disclosure programs protects companies and hackers in their endeavor to squash software bugs.

If you're serious about privacy, don't allow Firefox to save and autofill your addresses.

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Deborah Kish of Fasoo on Rethinking the ApproachWhen it comes to rethinking how enterprises structure their cybersecurity teams, Deborah Kish of Fasoo says that teamwork and better coordination...

Arxan Analyzes Vulnerabilities in Over 80 Sites Hit by 'Formjacking' AttacksIn a series of recent attacks attributed to the umbrella criminal group known as Magecart, malicious JavaScript code was...

More than a decade after hitting the headlines, clickjacking fraud remains an under-reported hazard on hundreds of popular websites.

The United States staged a secret cyberattack in June against a database used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to plot attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf, The New York Times reported....

CVE-2019-12643 has been given the highest possible severity rating.

The majority of security operations center professionals said the job is now simply about reducing alert investigation time or the volume of alerts.