Security News

Flash Player Update Patches Two Hacking Team Zero Days (Threatpost)
2015-07-14 15:47

Adobe today patched two zero day vulnerabilities discovered in data from the Hacking Team breach. It also released updated versions of Acrobat, Reader and Shockwave.

Firefox blocks Flash plugin by default until zero-days are fixed (Help Net Security)
2015-07-14 11:58

For the last few years, many security experts have been urging users to evaluate whether they actually need to use Adobe Flash. The platform, once practically unavoidable, now has effective alterna...

First Java zero-day in two years exploited by Pawn Storm hackers (Help Net Security)
2015-07-13 07:36

Another zero-day vulnerability is being exploited in attacks spotted in the wild: this time, the targeted software is Java. The flaw was spotted by Trend Micro researchers, who are closely monitori...