Security News

Sushi or pizza? Mac or Windows threat? (Help Net Security)
2017-03-23 16:44

Fortinet researchers have made an unusual find: a malicious Word file that is meant to target both OS X and Windows users. As has lately become the norm, when opened, the file requests users to...

DoubleAgent attack uses built-in Windows tool to hijack applications (Help Net Security)
2017-03-22 21:06

Security researchers from computer and network security outfit Cybellum have revealed a new zero-day code injection and persistence technique that can be used by attackers to take over...

Local Windows Admins Can Hijack Sessions Without Credentials (Threatpost)
2017-03-20 18:50

A researcher has published a method by which a local admin can hijack any other Windows sessions without the need for credentials.

Hijacking Windows user sessions with built-in command line tools (Help Net Security)
2017-03-20 18:45

Did you know that by using built-in command line tools, any user with system rights and permissions (usually a local administrator) can hijack the session of any logged-in Windows user without...