Security News

Paul Dant of Arxan on Measuring Application DefensesHow do organizations know if their app and network security is sufficient to protect them from data breaches - or if their defenses are even...

Security expert Charity Wright discusses the Dark Web in Russia, how the Dark Web is being used in Vietnam for anonymity from the government, China's surveillance efforts, and more.

More than a decade after hitting the headlines, clickjacking fraud remains an under-reported hazard on hundreds of popular websites.

How criminals have adapted to develop the next generation of dark markets and operations.

In a new report, McAfee Labs said cybercriminals were focusing in on attacking weak IoT devices and extracting huge troves of data from large companies.

27-year-old also shipped weed, flogged 'how-to' fraud guides A hacker from Kent has handed over almost a million quid in Bitcoin following a lengthy police investigation.…

Using the new Native File System API, web apps would be able to read and save files, as well as gather info on files stored on your device.

Plus UCS and more gear needs update: Turn it on, download these fixes, crank it up – and rip the KNOB off Cisco has emitted a fresh round of software updates to address security holes in its...

Better to be aggressive and safe than sorry IT admins could go a long way towards protecting their users from malware and other dodgy stuff on the internet if they ban access to any web domain...

Developer account cracked due to credential reuse, source tampered with and released to hundreds of programmers An old version of a Ruby software package called rest-client that was modified and...