Security News

Multiple Industrial Control System Vendors Warn of Critical Bugs
2020-11-17 22:38

Industrial control system firms Real Time Automation and Paradox both warned of critical vulnerabilities Tuesday that opened systems up to remote attacks by adversaries. RTA, which describes itself as providing industrial control systems for manufacturing and building automation, posted information regarding the vulnerability on Oct. 27.

Western Digital Finds Replay Attack Protection Flaw Affecting Multiple Vendors
2020-11-11 11:44

A vulnerability identified recently by researchers at storage giant Western Digital in the Replay Protected Memory Block protocol impacts the products of several other major companies, including Google, Intel and MediaTek. The RPMB feature is designed to protect devices against replay attacks by providing an authenticated and protected area for storing data that ensures each message is unique and cannot be replayed.

NVIDIA Patches AMI BMC Vulnerabilities Impacting Several Major Vendors
2020-10-30 04:32

NVIDIA on Wednesday released patches to address a total of nine vulnerabilities impacting NVIDIA DGX servers. The vulnerabilities were reported to NVIDIA by members of the SCADA StrangeLove project, which focuses on ICS/SCADA security, as part of their research into machine learning infrastructure vulnerabilities.

IoT Security Foundation unveils online platform to help IoT vendors report and manage vulerabilities
2020-10-20 01:00

An online platform designed to help IoT vendors receive, assess, manage and mitigate vulnerability reports has been launched by the IoT Security Foundation. aims to simplify the reporting and management of vulnerabilities whilst helping IoT vendors comply with new consumer IoT security standards and regulations.

Researcher Finds Vulnerabilities in Products of 10 Cybersecurity Vendors
2020-10-07 11:55

A researcher at privileged access management solutions provider CyberArk has discovered vulnerabilities in the products of 10 cybersecurity vendors. The research focused on vulnerabilities that can allow an attacker or a piece of malware to escalate privileges using symlink attacks or DLL hijacking.

ICS Vendors Release Advisories for CodeMeter Vulnerabilities
2020-09-11 16:25

Several major industrial control system vendors have released security advisories in response to the recently disclosed vulnerabilities affecting the CodeMeter licensing and DRM solution made by Germany-based Wibu-Systems. The company's researchers showed how an attacker can launch attacks by setting up a malicious website and luring targeted users to it, or by creating their own CodeMeter API and client and sending commands to devices running CodeMeter.

The Integration Imperative for Security Vendors
2020-08-06 15:59

Most organizations have a complex security infrastructure that consists of multiple products from multiple vendors to create layers of defense, including firewalls, IPS/IDS, routers, web and email security, and endpoint detection and response solutions. In the past couple of years, we've seen a movement towards Security Orchestration, Automation and Response platforms and tools.

Deep Packet Inspection challenges for telecom and security vendors
2020-07-23 03:00

The goal of the survey is to better understand how DPI, a technology that identifies and details network traffic, is used by telecommunications and cybersecurity solution vendors today, and what they need from DPI in the future. They show that telecom and security vendors and their customers are facing rapid changes as the cloud transformation, 5G networking, work from home practices, and the IoT have a profound effect on network users, devices, and services.

Phishing: Email fraudsters are impersonating colleagues, customers, and vendors, report says
2020-07-17 16:30

The latest form of business email phishing attacks involve impersonating familiar senders, a GreatHorn report found. GreatHorn also acknowledged this uptick the report noted that this view isn't fully adequate in understanding how phishing email attacks are evolving, and how security teams are responding to those threats.

Finding the Right Threat Intelligence Vendors
2020-07-13 11:02

In May 2019, Flashpoint CEO Josh Lefkowitz shared in SecurityWeek tips for evaluating threat intelligence vendors that cover the deep and dark web. I wanted to look at the entire threat intelligence space and provide some thoughts on how to evaluate the best vendors for you.