Security News

The U.S. Cyber Command on Wednesday officially confirmed MuddyWater's ties to the Iranian intelligence apparatus, while simultaneously detailing the various tools and tactics adopted by the espionage actor to burrow into victim networks. "MuddyWater has been seen using a variety of techniques to maintain access to victim networks," USCYBERCOM's Cyber National Mission Force said in a statement.

US Cyber Command has officially linked the Iranian-backed MuddyWatter hacking group to Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security. MOIS is the Iran government's leading intelligence agency, tasked with coordinating the country's intelligence and counterintelligence, as well as covert actions supporting the Islamic regime's goals beyond Iran's borders.

Organizations need to be vigilant for such attacks and make sure they have the means to prevent or combat them. "The advisory doesn't mention the current Russian-Ukraine tensions, but if the conflict escalates, you can expect Russian cyber threats to increase their operations," said Rick Holland, chief information security officer at Digital Shadows.

The FBI, CISA, and the NSA have warned critical infrastructure network defenders to be ready to detect and block incoming attacks targeting organizations from US critical infrastructure sectors, orchestrated by Russian-backed hacking groups. "In some cases, Russian state-sponsored cyber operations against critical infrastructure organizations have specifically targeted operational technology/industrial control systems networks with destructive malware."

The Federal Bureau of Investigation warned US companies in a recently updated flash alert that the financially motivated FIN7 cybercriminals group is targeting the US defense industry with packages containing malicious USB devices. The packages have been mailed via the United States Postal Service and United Parcel Service to businesses in the transportation and insurance industries since August 2021 and defense firms starting with November 2021.

The US National Counterintelligence and Security Center and the Department of State have jointly published guidance on defending against attacks using commercial surveillance tools. Tips shared in the joint advisory are designed to help people at risk of being targeted by surveillance campaigns block attempts to track their location, record their conversations, and harvest their personal information and online activity using mercenary spyware deployed on their mobile devices.

According to a Department of Justice press release, 29-year-old Fillippo Bernardini allegedly impersonated agents, editors, and others involved in the publishing industry to steal manuscripts of unpublished books. "Filippo Bernardini allegedly impersonated publishing industry individuals in order to have authors, including a Pulitzer prize winner, send him prepublication manuscripts for his own benefit," said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams.

Ravkoo, a US Internet-based pharmacy service, has disclosed a data breach after the company's AWS hosted cloud prescription portal was involved in a security incident that may have led to personal and health information being accessed. "Ravkoo utilizes AWS cloud services for online hosting of its prescription portal. On September 27, 2021, Ravkoo detected that this portal was the target of a cybersecurity attack," the pharmacy said in data breach notification letters sent to 105,000 affected customers on January 3.

A top US Army War College paper suggests Taiwan should credibly threaten to eradicate, or eradicate, its semiconductor industry if threatened by China so that Beijing would no longer be interested in unification. The US Army War College showed the paper was its most popular of the year, when it revealed it topped a list of the most downloaded papers of 2021 from its quarterly academic journal Parameters.

While this new report outlines authentication requirements for government agencies, they are also excellent guidelines for all fields and user levels. On the strength of passwords, NIST underlines that the requirements of using special characters, for example !$#%&, are obsolete since users still tend to add something that will keep the password memorable.