Security News

Facebook's Ex-CSO Says That Ship Has Sailed; Look to 2020With less than three months to go until the U.S. midterm elections, Alex Stamos, until recently Facebooks's CSO, says there isn't time to...

Fake website designed to harvest staffer credentials The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has called in the FBI after uncovering an apparent attack against its internal voter database system.…

Threat actors apparently working out of Iran have been conducting an operation whose goal is to influence the opinions of people in the United States and other countries around the world, FireEye...

The Russian hacking unit that tried to interfere in the US presidential election has been targeting conservative US think tanks, Microsoft said. read more

China believes its cyberwarfare capabilities lag behind the United States, but it’s working on closing the gap, according to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). read more

The Trump administration has rolled back Obama-era rules that outlined how to launch cyberattacks on other nations.

Good luck voting in November, folks in US, you're going to need it DEF CON Hackers of all ages have been investigating America’s voting machine tech and the results aren’t good - one enterprising...

Police seek mentor-like techies to help talented kids UK police are looking to cybersecurity firms to help implement a strategy of steering youngsters away from a life in online crime.…

The U.S. is bracing for cyberattacks Iran could launch in retaliation for the re-imposition of sanctions this week by President Donald Trump, cybersecurity and intelligence experts say. read more