Security News

Please tell us why you're not securing yourselves, asks businesses
2019-11-04 14:32

If security worries you, send them your fears on a postcard The British government wants your bright ideas for improving the nation's cybersecurity because it wants to "understand the apparent...

Facebook Agrees to Pay UK Fine in Cambridge Analytica Case
2019-10-30 19:03

British Authorities Found Social Media Company Violated Privacy LawsAfter months of appeals, Facebook has agreed to pay $643,000 to settle claims that it violated U.K. privacy laws by allowing...

UK Ministry of Justice brags about new digital forensics unit to thwart tech-savvy jailbirds
2019-10-29 11:42

Probing contraband mobes to reduce prison crimes The UK Ministry of Justice is setting up a digital forensics lab to probe mobile phones seized from prisoners.…

Antivirus hid more than 9,000 'cybercrime' reports from UK cops, says watchdog
2019-10-24 16:18

Detailed info wound up in quarantine Just one of Britain's 43 police forces treats online crime as a priority – while the Action Fraud organisation managed to withhold 9,000 so-called cyber-crime...

Haxis of evil: Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are 'continuous threat' to UK, say spies
2019-10-23 11:28

National Cyber Security Centre handled 658 incidents last year The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has said in its annual review (here) that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea...

No one would be so scummy as to scam a charity, right? UK orgs find out the hard way
2019-10-21 16:01

Research blames 'culture of trust' for weak fraud protections UK charities are misjudging the risks of fraud, according to research from the Charity Commission and the Fraud Advisory Panel.…

US, UK: Russian Hackers Hijacked Iranian Malware, Infrastructure
2019-10-21 11:44

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) reported on Monday that the Russia-linked threat group known as Turla has hijacked malware and...

How does £36m sound, mon CHERI? pumps cash into Arm security research
2019-10-18 11:23

That's 'Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions' University of Cambridge researchers have been tossed £36m from the UK government to support their work with Arm to strengthen security by...

Just let us have Huawei and get on with 5G, UK mobe networks tell MPs
2019-10-10 14:15

Another Parliamentary enquiry? Huawei, the Brexit of network policy decisions British telcos and academics have told a Parliamentary enquiry the UK needs to get on with allowing Huawei equipment...

Former BAE Systems contractor charged with 'damaging disclosure' of UK defence secrets
2019-10-10 09:01

49-year-old to appear at the Old Bailey next month A former BAE Systems defence contractor has appeared in court accused of leaking "highly sensitive" secrets to foreign governments.…