Security News

A banking Trojan hiding in a casino app was removed from Google Play. The malware slipped past Google Verify Apps malware scanner and get into the marketplace.

Apple on Monday rolled out a series of patches for nearly all of its operating systems, including fixes for March's DROWN vulnerability in OS X and a lockscreen bypass vulnerability in iOS.

Pen-tester Chris Nickerson will, in his Source Boston keynote, explain simple defensive approaches that can thwart the best red-teamers and advanced attackers alike.

Later this summer, when Microsoft rolls out a massive update to Windows 10 called Anniversary Edition, notably missing will be the controversial Wi-Fi Sense feature.

Nulled.IO, an underground forum that helped enable users to share stolen credentials and software cracks was hacked earlier this month, spilling a glut of information on its users.

Google has announced that hacker-favorite Adobe Flash Player will no longer, as of Q4, be the default in Chrome. Instead, Chrome will default to HTML5.

Dell SonicWALL Threats Research Team says incidents of Android lockscreen malware masquerading as porn apps is a growing concern.

Cerber ransomware leverages Dridex spambot network in massive new crypto-offensive targeting U.S. inboxes.

Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including zero day vulnerabilities--both in Adobe Flash and Windows, a nasty vulnerability in SAP business applications, Mozilla asking...

Yahoo is forcing a password reset on Tumblr accounts after a cache of email addresses and salted and hashed passwords from 2013 were discovered in the wild.