Security News

Mozilla tests Microsoft Bing as the default Firefox search engine
2021-09-17 17:40

Mozilla is running a study to test users' responses to changing the default Firefox search engine to Microsoft Bing. Like all browsers, Mozilla Firefox automatically configures a browser to a default search engine for performing searches via the address bar.

CCSP practice quiz: It’s time to test your knowledge
2021-09-13 02:30

Studying for the CCSP exam? The CCSP practice quiz is a great study tool that allows you to quickly identify any knowledge gaps you might have in each domain. Your quiz results will allow you to refine your study strategy, so you can show up on test day ready to take the CCSP exam with confidence.

Online tests could help organizations plug the skills gap
2021-08-31 04:00

Continuing to use online tests after the pandemic will help organizations deliver certifications quickly and at scale, says Questionmark. Global demand for modern technology skills is rapidly outstripping supply.

Mozilla tests if 'Firefox/100.0' user agent breaks websites
2021-08-09 19:23

Mozilla has launched an experiment where they change the Firefox browser user agent to a three-digit "Firefox/100.0" version to see if it will break websites. The current user agent for Mozilla Firefox version 90 is listed below.

South Korea to test grenade-launching drones
2021-08-06 06:30

South Korea has this week announced two new weapons: grenade-launching drones for its military, and anti-ransomware software for businesses. The nation's Defense Acquisition Program Administration has revealed that in 2022 South Korea will test grenade-launching drones that can be remotely controlled over a range of two kilometres, carrying gunpowder-filled 40mm shells.

Google Play Protect fails Android security tests once more
2021-07-28 15:15

Google Play Protect, the Android built-in malware defense system, has failed the real-world tests of antivirus testing lab AV-TEST after detecting just over two thirds out of more than 20,000 malicious apps it was pitted against. While always running and scanning every app installed and launched on the device, "The endurance test revealed that this service does not provide particularly good security: every other security app offers better protection than Google Play Protect."

Don’t Wanna Pay Ransom Gangs? Test Your Backups.
2021-07-19 21:11

Rather, it's about why victims still pay for a key needed to decrypt their systems even when they have the means to restore everything from backups on their own. Experts say the biggest reason ransomware targets and/or their insurance providers still pay when they already have reliable backups is that nobody at the victim organization bothered to test in advance how long this data restoration process might take.

Coursera Flunks API Security Test in Researchers’ Exam
2021-07-08 18:29

Coursera states, in its Vulnerability Disclosure Program, that access control issues are a security concern. API leaks are not uncommon and have been main contributors to major security issues.

TrustInSoft mathematically guarantees bug free IoT code with Application Security Test
2021-07-02 02:30

TrustInSoft announced an Application Security Test specifically designed to mathematically guarantee bug-free code in embedded Internet of Things devices. This AST for IoT is based on TrustInSoft's Analyzer to provide the equivalent of static and dynamic code analysis of C/C++ source code using Formal Methods testing to guarantee the absence of undefined source code behaviors.

Do you want speed or security as expected? Spectre CPU defenses can cripple performance on Linux in tests
2021-06-22 03:02

The mitigations applied to exorcise Spectre, the family of data-leaking processor vulnerabilities, from computers hinders performance enough that disabling protection for the sake of speed may be preferable for some. "Before Spectre mitigations, those system calls hardly slowed down userspace execution at all."