Security News

User behavior analytics: The equalizer for under-staffed security teams (Help Net Security)
2016-01-11 08:00

In a perfect world, security professionals would see a few alerts, recognize the pattern, identify the malware and the hacker, and solve the problem – all with only a few mouse clicks. However, no mat...

Finance teams becoming involved in cyber risk mitigation oversight (Help Net Security)
2015-12-22 07:00

CFOs and their finance teams are toughening policies on suppliers and increasing insurance coverage as they are asked take on a larger role in defending their companies from emerging cyber risks, acco...

IT teams expect a nightmare during the holidays (Help Net Security)
2015-12-17 07:36

Dealing with potential data loss will be the number one headache confronting IT professionals in the run up to the 2015 holiday season. Over one-third of IT professionals in the UK confirm they have h...