Security News

AppSec teams facing resourcing issues that are making them vulnerable (Help Net Security)
2017-02-02 12:45

A new Bugcrowd study of one hundred CISOs revealed that 94 percent are concerned about breaches in their publicly facing assets in the next 12 months, particularly within their applications. As...

Released: 1Password Teams for Windows (Help Net Security)
2016-10-17 12:45

AgileBits, the company behind popular password manager 1Password, has finally released 1Password Teams for Windows (6.0). 1Password Teams works just like the individual version, but unlike it, it...

The impact of intelligent systems on IT teams (Help Net Security)
2016-10-11 12:45

Fast track deployment of intelligent systems is well underway, according to Ipswitch. 88% of IT professionals saying their organisation has already invested in one or more intelligent solutions,...