Security News

Researchers discover 110 snooping Tor nodes (Help Net Security)
2016-07-25 22:09

In a period spanning 72 days, two researchers from Northeastern University have discovered at least 110 “misbehaving” and potentially malicious hidden services directories (HSDirs) on the Tor...

PornHub Hack Earns Researchers $22,000 (Threatpost)
2016-07-25 17:01

Researchers find a serious vulnerability in PHP code that could of allowed hackers to gain access to porn site’s private user data.

EFF Files Lawsuit Challenging DMCA’s Restrictions on Security Researchers (Threatpost)
2016-07-21 17:18

EFF says security researchers are impinged by DMCA laws that prevent reverse engineering software to find security flaws.

Researchers Crack Furtim, SFG Malware Connection (Threatpost)
2016-07-18 17:26

Damballa goes deep with Furtim and SFG malware to uncover new details about how the two are connected, distributed and who their targets are.

Researchers create effective anti-ransomware solution (Help Net Security)
2016-07-12 18:32

Are you willing to sacrifice a dozen or so of your files in order to save the rest from the grasping hands of modern crypto-ransomware? I believe that the answer from most victims would be a...