Security News

Microsoft has asked system administrators to patch PowerShell 7 against two vulnerabilities allowing attackers to bypass Windows Defender Application Control enforcements and gain access to plain text credentials. PowerShell is a cross-platform solution that provides a command-line shell, a framework, and a scripting language focused on automation for processing PowerShell cmdlets.

Microsoft is urging Azure users to update the PowerShell command-line tool as soon as possible to protect against a critical remote code execution vulnerability impacting. The issue, tracked as CVE-2021-26701, affects PowerShell versions 7.0 and 7.1 and have been remediated in versions 7.0.6 and 7.1.3, respectively.

Microsoft has told Azure users to update PowerShell - if they are using versions 7.0 or 7.1 - to address a remote code execution vulnerability patched earlier this year. The tech giant has advised customers who manage their Azure resources using affected versions of the PowerShell task automation solution to update to versions 7.0.6 or 7.1.3.

NET Core remote code execution vulnerability in PowerShell 7 caused by how text encoding is performed in. PowerShell provides a command-line shell, a framework, and a scripting language focused on automation for processing PowerShell cmdlets.

Microsoft is making it easier to update PowerShell on Windows 10 and Windows Server devices by releasing future updates through the Microsoft Update service. "In the past, Windows users were notified in their console that a new version of PowerShell 7 is available, but they still had to hop over to our GitHub release page to download and install it, or rely on a separate package management tool like the Windows Package Manager, Chocolatey, or Scoop," said PowerShell Senior Software Engineer Travis Plunk.

Surging numbers of COVID-themed attacks, PowerShell trojans, along with the SolarWinds compromise and the continued spread of Sunburst malware were major contributors to a massive spike in the number of observed attacks in the wild during the last half of 2020, which McAfee's said averaged 588 attacks per minute within its telemetry during Q3 and Q4 of 2020. Researchers observed an average of 648 threats per minute in Q4 in the wild, an increase of 10 percent over the third quarter a continued upward trend from the 40 percent jump compared to Q2 2020, McAfee's latest threat report said.

The first function that we see defined in this PowerShell code is named sOH, which is not very descriptive. All of these function and variable names seem to be random and obfuscated, but we can make sense of them by reading the definition of the function.

There are situations where you want to block P2P file transfers to people outside the organization during a video conference meeting. That does not mean that Microsoft 365 administrators cannot control certain aspects of Skype for Business using PowerShell commands.

Some are common to most cmdlets, others are unique to a specific cmdlet or branch of cmdlets. The -ComputerName argument is available to many cmdlets and can be used to target a specific device when managing processes remotely.

Learn to create profiles within PowerShell to customize your settings based on your working environment for optimal performance and efficiency. The use of profiles, while not a requirement to use PowerShell, can help those who wear several hats within their IT organizations or simply prefer to keep an organized set of tools at the ready whenever working from PS. The profiles are flexible enough to include modules, functions, variables-essentially, anything one might commonly use or reference-can be added to the profile(s) making the console ready to use at launch.