Security News > 2020 > October > 5 ways to manage computers securely and remotely using PowerShell

5 ways to manage computers securely and remotely using PowerShell
2020-10-16 14:19

Some are common to most cmdlets, others are unique to a specific cmdlet or branch of cmdlets.

The -ComputerName argument is available to many cmdlets and can be used to target a specific device when managing processes remotely.

For those familiar with SSH, a PS session works much like SSH, except it uses the PowerShell programming language as the encryption and communication protocols to remotely manage a device securely.

Using the Invoke-Command cmdlet, users are able to do just as in a dedicated PS session, without having to worry about enabling the service beforehand.

The syntax on the Invoke-Command cmdlet adds a little complexity compared with the standard PS syntax, but once you get the hang of it, you'll find that this method allows for executing PowerShell and non-PowerShell commands with ease.

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