Security News

SlashNext launches on-device AI mobile phishing defense for iOS and Android
2020-10-21 02:00

SlashNext announced the on-device AI mobile phishing defense for iOS and Android with natural language and link-based detection to protect users from the exponential increase in mobile-based SMS phishing attacks. Now SlashNext, customers and partners can benefit from the industry's fastest and most accurate, 2.0 mobile AI phishing defense, protecting users from all forms of phishing across all their communication channels - SMS, email, social networking, gaming, collaboration and search - without compromising user privacy or performance.

Facebook: A Top Launching Pad For Phishing Attacks
2020-10-20 16:54

Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Facebook and WhatsApp are top brands leveraged by cybercriminals in phishing and fraud attacks - including a recent strike on a half-million Facebook users. Facebook has been a top cybercriminal favorite in phishing attacks so far this year, with recent research shedding light on 4.5 million phishing attempts that have leveraged the social media platform between April and September 2020.

Coinbase phishing hijacks Microsoft 365 accounts via OAuth app
2020-10-19 15:37

A new phishing campaign uses a Coinbase-themed email to install an Office 365 consent app that gives attackers access to a victim's email. Over the past year, hackers have increasingly used Microsoft Office 365 OAuth apps, otherwise known as consent apps, as part of their attacks.

Microsoft now the most impersonated brand in phishing attacks
2020-10-19 12:56

A Monday blog post from cyber threat intelligence provider Check Point Research found that Microsoft was the top impersonated brand in phishing attempts during the third quarter. For the quarter, email phishing was the most prevalent type of brand phishing, accounting for 44% of all attacks.

Microsoft is the Most-Imitated Brand for Phishing Emails
2020-10-19 10:00

Microsoft is top of the heap when it comes to hacker impersonations - with Microsoft products and services featuring in nearly a fifth of all global brand phishing attacks in the third quarter of this year. The top three phishing brands exploited by email phishing attacks were Microsoft, DHL and Apple; on the web, it was Microsoft, Google and PayPal; and for mobile, WhatsApp, PayPal and Facebook took the top spots.

Phishing Lures Shift from COVID-19 to Job Opportunities
2020-10-16 18:35

Cybercriminals cashed in on the surge of COVID-19 earlier this year, with email lures purporting to be from healthcare professionals offering more information about the pandemic. As the year moves forward, bad actors are continuing to swap up their attacks with savvy lures that match top-of-mind current events, said Derek Manky, Chief of Security Insights & Global Threat Alliances at Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs.

Twitter Hack: 24 Hours From Phishing Employees to Hijacking Accounts
2020-10-16 11:29

Hackers needed roughly 24 hours to take over high-profile Twitter accounts in the July attack, a report from the New York Department of Financial Services reveals. A couple of weeks after the incident, Twitter revealed that hackers targeted some employees with phone phishing until gaining access to the account support tools they needed.

Iran-Linked 'Silent Librarian' Back at Phishing Universities
2020-10-16 08:54

Iran-linked state-sponsored threat actor 'Silent Librarian' has launched another phishing campaign targeting universities around the world. Silent Librarian, Malwarebytes' security researchers reveal, has sent spear-phishing emails to both staff and students at the targeted universities, and the threat actor was observed setting up new infrastructure to counter efforts to take down its domains.

Canva design platform actively abused in credentials phishing
2020-10-14 09:00

Free graphics design website Canva is being abused by threat actors to create and host intricate phishing landing pages. Canva is a graphic design platform that lets users create posters, letterheads, holiday cards, and other digital media that can then be downloaded as an image, shared as HTML with clickable links, or printed.

QBot uses Windows Defender Antivirus phishing bait to infect PCs
2020-10-12 15:50

The Qbot botnet uses a new template for the distribution of their malware that uses a fake Windows Defender Antivirus theme to trick you into enabling Excel macros. Qbot, otherwise known as QakBot or QuakBot, is Windows malware that steals bank credentials, Windows domain credentials, and provides remote access to threat actors who install ransomware.