Security News

Apple patches drive-by Wi-Fi flaw with emergency iOS patch (Help Net Security)
2017-04-04 15:34

Less than a week after Apple pushed out iOS 10.3 comes an iOS emergency patch that all iDevice owners should implement as soon a possible. The security note accompanying iOS 10.3.1 says simply...

March Patch Tuesday closes record number of vulnerabilities (Help Net Security)
2017-03-15 15:27

With no February Patch Tuesday, it was to be expected that Microsoft would fix a huge number of security issues in March. They didn’t disappoint: 139 unique CVEs have been resolved. As announced...

Patch Tuesday Returns; Microsoft Quiet on Postponement (Threatpost)
2017-03-14 19:26

Microsoft released 18 security bulletins, eight rated critical. The company also patched publicly disclosed vulnerabilities that surfaced since last month’s postponement of Patch Tuesday.