Security News

South Korean ERP Vendor's Server Hacked to Spread Xctdoor Malware
2024-07-03 03:33

An unnamed South Korean enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendor's product update server has been found to be compromised to deliver a Go-based backdoor dubbed Xctdoor. The AhnLab Security...

Cybersecurity jobs available right now: July 3, 2024
2024-07-03 03:30

As a Cyber Defense Specialist, you will operate and optimize security tooling/products, including security email gateway, firewall, IDS/IPS, web security gateway, emergency detect and response, logging and auditing, event and incident management, privileged access management and authentication. As a Cloud Security Engineer- AWS- SIEM-IDS/IPS, you will review security alerts and events to identify potential security incidents.

Companies spend more on cybersecurity but struggle to track expenses
2024-07-03 03:00

Most companies do not know how effectively they are investing money to fight the cybersecurity threat, according to Optiv. Cybersecurity budgets are increasing and cyber incidents are rampant, and yet only a small percentage of respondents have a formal approach to determining cybersecurity budgets, which can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities to address critical security gaps.

Xbox is down worldwide with users unable to login, play games
2024-07-02 20:02

The Xbox Live service is currently down due to a major outage, impacting customers worldwide and preventing them from signing into their Xbox accounts and playing games. According to a massive stream of user reports, the online gaming platform has been down for at least three hours, blocking them from playing cloud and offline games that require logging into an Xbox account.

Upcoming Book on AI and Democracy
2024-07-02 18:11

If you've been reading my blog, you've noticed that I have written a lot about AI and democracy, mostly with my co-author Nathan Sanders. I am pleased to announce that we're writing a book on the topic.

Google now pays $250,000 for KVM zero-day vulnerabilities
2024-07-02 18:06

Google has launched kvmCTF, a new vulnerability reward program first announced in October 2023 to improve the security of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine hypervisor that comes with $250,000 bounties for full VM escape exploits. An active and key KVM contributor, Google developed kvmCTF as a collaborative platform to help identify and fix vulnerabilities, bolstering this vital security layer.

Patelco shuts down banking systems following ransomware attack
2024-07-02 17:47

Patelco Credit Union has disclosed it experienced a ransomware attack that led to the proactive shutdown of several of its customer-facing banking systems to contain the incident's impact.Patelco is an American credit union with assets exceeding $9 billion.

How to Manage User Passwords on Linux
2024-07-02 16:00

Those users log in via various means or protocols, such as SSH, FTP and HTTP. In order to successfully log in, those users have to have - passwords. You have to deal with users who create overly simple passwords, forget their passwords or forget to change those passwords with any regularity.

Affirm says cardholders impacted by Evolve Bank data breach
2024-07-02 15:57

Buy now, pay later loan company Affirm is warning that holders of its payment cards had their personal information exposed due to a data breach at its third-party issuer, Evolve Bank & Trust. After researchers analyzed the data, it was determined that it had been stolen from Evolve Bank & Trust, which confirmed to BleepingComputer that the data belonged to them.

Google Pixel 6 series phones bricked after factory reset
2024-07-02 13:42

Multiple owners of Google Pixel 6 series phones have been reporting in the past week that their devices were "Bricked" after they performed a factory reset. The Pixel 6 series, released in late 2021, is approaching the typical upgrade cycle for many original buyers, and issues with the factory reset process have become significantly more impactful.