Security News

New focus on cyber-terrorism
2005-08-17 06:31 By Nathaniel Hoopes Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor August 16, 2005 Buried deep in America's new energy legislation is a...

New energy bill has cybersecurity repercussions
2005-08-12 05:09,10801,103834,00.html By Thomas Hoffman AUGUST 11, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD The new energy bill signed into law by President Bush this week is...

Verizon Wireless Fixes Web Site Vulnerabilities
2005-08-12 05:09 By Brian Krebs Staff Writer August 11, 2005 Verizon Wireless said today that computer...

U.S. officials go to hackers' convention to recruit
2005-08-11 07:15,10801,103825,00.html By Andy Sullivan AUGUST 10, 2005 REUTERS Attention hackers: Uncle Sam wants you. As scam artists, organized-crime...

UK hacking suspect located in Greece
2005-08-10 06:35 Athens August 10, 2005 Police on the island of Crete have searched the home of a British...

File breach prompts call for inquiry
2005-08-09 08:46 By Mathew Murphy August 9, 2005 An industry group has called for a public inquiry into the...

Terrorists Turn to the Web as Base of Operations
2005-08-08 05:05

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Steve Coll and Susan B. Glasser Washington Post Staff Writers August 7, 2005...

Hackers infiltrate Cal Poly
2005-08-08 05:04,1413,207~12026~2996765,00.html By Kenneth Todd Ruiz Staff Writer August 04, 2005 POMONA -- Computer hackers added Cal Poly Pomona to a growing list of...

Microsoft to release six patches, some 'critical,' next week
2005-08-05 05:05,10801,103683,00.html By Elizabeth Montalbano AUGUST 04, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE Microsoft Corp. will release six software patches next...

Cyber-terrorists copying hackers: US
2005-08-03 10:06 Kuala Lumpur August 3, 2005 Cyber-terrorists are attempting to penetrate government networks...