Security News

Regional info-sharing network takes hold in Oregon
2003-03-28 07:27,10801,79777,00.html By DAN VERTON MARCH 27, 2003 Computerworld A public/private partnership in Oregon focused on homeland security...

Commuters hack wireless networks
2003-03-27 09:43

Forwarded from: William Knowles 26 March, 2003 Jumping on to the increasing number of wireless networks around cities such as London has become...

Hackers strike Al-Jazeera Web site
2003-03-26 08:02 By PETER SVENSSON AP Technology Writer (March 25, 2003 4:09 p.m. EST) - Hackers attacked the Web site of Arab satellite television...

Companies review their IT security as war breaks out
2003-03-25 08:25,10801,79622,00.html By JAIKUMAR VIJAYAN MARCH 24, 2003 Computerworld Tom King, chief information security officer at investment banking...

Re: Is SSL safe?
2003-03-24 08:38

Forwarded from: Kurt Seifried None of this really matters because 99% of SSL users have no idea how SSL works and consequently can't make informed decisions when faced with attacks such as: 1)...

Microsoft warns of firewall vulnerability
2003-03-22 08:53,10801,79537,00.html By Paul Roberts IDG News Service MARCH 20, 2003 Microsoft Corp. warned customers of another security vulnerability...

Q&A: Microsoft's Scott Charney on security in a time of war
2003-03-21 07:06,10801,79554,00.html By CAROL SLIWA MARCH 20, 2003 Computerworld Scott Charney, chief security strategist at Microsoft Corp., has...

Hackers Claim NSA Breach
2003-03-21 07:05 By Kevin Poulsen SecurityFocus March 20 2003 Hackers claim to have compromised a computer at the National Security Agency in Ft. Meade, Maryland. But their...

EEYE: XDR Integer Overflow
2003-03-21 07:04

Forwarded from: "Marc Maiffret" XDR Integer Overflow Release Date: March 19, 2003 Severity: High (Remote Code Execution/Denial of Service) Systems Affected: Sun Microsystems Network Services...

Study: Human error causes most security breaches
2003-03-19 07:04,10801,79485,00.html By Grant Gross IDG News Service MARCH 18, 2003 Human error, not technology, is the most significant cause of IT...