Security News

Leaked NSA Exploit Spreading Ransomware Worldwide (Threatpost)
2017-05-12 17:32

Attackers behind today’s WannaCry ransomware outbreak in Europe are spreading the malware using the EternalBlue exploit leaked by the ShadowBrokers.

Massive Ransomware Attack That's Hitting World Right Now Uses NSA's Exploit (The Hackers News)
2017-05-12 12:27

Earlier today, a massive ransomware campaign hit computer systems of hundreds of private companies and public organizations across the globe – which is believed to be the most massive ransomware...

Who is Publishing NSA and CIA Secrets, and Why? (Schneier on Security)
2017-05-01 11:32

There's something going on inside the intelligence communities in at least two countries, and we have no idea what it is. Consider these three data points. One: someone, probably a country's...