Security News

France willing to buy key Atos assets to keep them French
2024-04-29 13:00

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840-bed hospital in France postpones procedures after cyberattack
2024-04-18 18:29

The Hospital Simone Veil in Cannes has announced that it was targeted by a cyberattack on Tuesday morning, severely impacting its operations and forcing staff to go back to pen and paper. The Hospital announced that it was forced to take all computers offline earlier this week due to a cyberattack, leaving only telephone systems available for communication.

43 million workers potentially affected in France Travail data breach
2024-03-18 08:29

French national unemployment agency France Travail and Cap emploi, a government employment service for people with disabilities, have suffered a data breach that might have exposed personal data of 43 million people. The agencies announced on Wednesday that an intrusion exposed data of jobseekers registered in the last 20 years, as well as those with a candidate profile on the sites.

Mon Dieu! Nearly half the French population have data nabbed in massive breach
2024-02-12 07:27

Nearly half the citizens of France have had their data exposed in a massive security breach at two third-party healthcare payment servicers, the French data privacy watchdog disclosed last week.Payments outfits Viamedis and Almerys both experienced breaches of their systems in late January, the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty revealed, leading to the theft of data belonging to more than 33 million customers.

Data breaches at Viamedis and Almerys impact 33 million in France
2024-02-08 15:44

Data breaches at two French healthcare payment service providers, Viamedis and Almerys, have now been determined to impact over 33 million people in the country.The data protection authority in France has now confirmed both data breaches and says that the attacks impacted 33 million people in the country.

France says Russian state hackers breached numerous critical networks
2023-10-26 16:40

The Russian APT28 hacking group has been targeting government entities, businesses, universities, research institutes, and think tanks in France since the second half of 2021. The Russian hackers have been compromising peripheral devices on critical networks of French organizations and moving away from utilizing backdoors to evade detection.

Ragnar Locker ransomware developer arrested in France
2023-10-20 15:58

Law enforcement agencies arrested a malware developer linked with the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang and seized the group's dark web sites in a joint international operation. Authorities from France, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Japan, Canada, and the United States were part of this international operation targeting the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang.

Police arrests Ragnar Locker ransomware developer in France
2023-10-20 15:58

Law enforcement agencies arrested a malware developer linked with the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang and seized the group's dark web sites in a joint international operation. Authorities from France, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Japan, Canada, and the United States were part of this international operation targeting the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang.

France demands Apple pull iPhone 12 due to high RF radiation levels
2023-09-13 17:41

The Agence Nationale des Fréquences has asked Apple to withdraw iPhone 12 smartphones from the French market because the device emits radiofrequency energy that is beyond the limit permitted to be absorbed by the human body. ANFR says it recently conducted measurements on 141 phones available on the French market by contracting an accredited laboratory, where it found that iPhone 12's SAR value for limbs is 5.74 W/kg, exceeding the 4.0 W/kg limit by 43.5%. As such, the agency demands that Apple withdraws all iPhone 12 devices from the French market and takes the required action to make them compliant with European regulations.

Liberté, Égalité, Spyware: France okays cops snooping on phones
2023-07-10 05:33

Per Le Monde, lawmakers from French president Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party added several amendments to what's been dubbed the "Snoopers' charter" - requiring remote spying only be used "When justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime," and even then only for a "Strict and proportional" length of time. French justice minister Éric Dupond-Moretti said the bill will only apply to a few dozen cases per year and, rather than being a way for France to get government-sponsored spyware onto the devices of anyone accused of a crime, will save lives.