Security News

Microsoft Word 0-day used to push dangerous Dridex malware on millions (ArsTechnica)
2017-04-11 06:01

Blast could give a boost to Dridex, one of the Internet's worst bank fraud threats.

Unpatched Microsoft Word Flaw is Being Used to Spread Dridex Banking Trojan (The Hackers News)
2017-04-11 02:52

If you are a regular reader of The Hacker News, you might be aware of an ongoing cyber attack — detected in the wild by McAfee and FireEye — that silently installs malware on fully-patched...

Beware of an Unpatched Microsoft Word 0-Day Flaw being Exploited in the Wild (The Hackers News)
2017-04-09 05:16

It's 2017, and opening a simple MS Word file could compromise your system. Security researchers are warning of a new in-the-wild attack that silently installs malware on fully-patched computers by...

Microsoft Finally Reveals What Data Windows 10 Collects From Your PC (The Hackers News)
2017-04-06 02:43

Since the launch of Windows 10, there has been widespread concern about its data collection practices, mostly because Microsoft has been very secretive about the telemetry data it collects. Now,...