Security News

Despite having paid $125,000 for information about an Address Space Layout Randomisation (ASLR) vulnerability affecting Internet Explorer, Microsoft has decided against patching it because they feel i...

Researchers at HP's Zero Day Initiative have disclosed full details and proof-of-concept exploit code for a series of bugs they discovered that allow attackers to bypass a key exploit mitigation...

This June Patch Tuesday we have a slightly smaller patch load from Microsoft, taking us back to more historic average releases of eight bulletins. We have just two critical patches to deal with and si...

Microsoft released two critical bulletins—eight overall—as part of the June 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday security updates. One of the critical bulletins patches 24 vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer.

The May 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday security updates include 13 bulletins, three of them rated critical for bugs in IE, font drivers and Windows Journal.