Security News

vBulletin, Foxit forums hacked, attacker exploited a zero-day flaw? (Help Net Security)
2015-11-04 10:11

On Monday, a vBulletin support manager has announced on the company's forums that they are forcing a password reset for all of its customers. "Very recently, our security team discovered a sophisti...

Most consumers believe cloud-based apps can be hacked (Help Net Security)
2015-11-02 08:00

Consumers often don’t realize that the applications they depend upon daily live in the cloud and therefore many may be unaware of the threat of breach to their personal data, according to Radware. Ove...

Web Hosting Service 000webhost Hacked, Information of 13 Million Leaked (Threatpost)
2015-10-29 17:07

Web hosting service 000webhost told customers that 13.5 customer usernames, plaintext passwords, email addresses, IP addresses, and names were exposed in a breach.