Security News

Facebook Launches Global CTF Competition
2019-05-14 14:23

Facebook on Monday announced that it is getting ready to kick off its first global Capture the Flag (CTF) competition.  read more

Break up Facebook, cofounder says: it’s an un-American monopoly
2019-05-13 10:14

During the 2018 "annus horribilis", users disgusted at privacy flops swore to dump Facebook. But where else is there to go?

Facebook Sues South Korea Data Analytics Firm
2019-05-11 12:53

Facebook is suing South Korean data analytics firm Rankwave to make sure it isn't breaking the leading social network's rules, the US company said Friday. read more

News Wrap: Facebook Regulation, Verizon DBIR, Hidden Airbnb Cameras
2019-05-10 18:48

From a creepy Airbnb incident to Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report, Threatpost editors break down the top privacy and security stories for the week ended May 10.

Whistleblower Says Facebook Generating Terror Content
2019-05-10 02:10

Facebook is unwittingly auto-generating content for terror-linked groups that its artificial intelligence systems do not recognize as extremist, according to a complaint made public on Thursday. read more

Cybercriminals targeting social media: Facebook and Instagram are becoming phishers’ favorites
2019-05-03 05:15

Social media phishing, primarily Facebook and Instagram, saw the highest quarter- over-quarter growth of any industry with a 74.7 percent increase, according to the Vade Secure Phishers’ Favorites...

'Privacy-Focused' Facebook Puts the Spotlight on Groups
2019-05-01 11:49

Facebook is launching a major redesign of its app and website built around letting people connect with groups that share their interests — an attempt to shift its focus away from the untrammeled...

Facebook under investigation for harvesting 1.5m users’ contact lists
2019-04-30 10:06

For years, Facebook asked some new users for email passwords, then grabbed their contacts without consent (or any way to stop the process).

From Docker Hub hack to Facebook's burglar-friendly API to phone fingerprint bypasses...
2019-04-30 01:21

...let us bring you up to date on infosec bits and bytes Roundup Here's your quick-fire summary of recent computer security news.…