Security News

At Facebook, zero-day exploits, backdoor code bring war games drill to life
2013-02-11 08:28 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica Feb 10 2013

Facebook's Graph Search worries security experts
2013-01-28 06:28 By Antone Gonsalves CSO January 24, 2013

State-sponsored cyber spies want your Facebook status, researchers say
2012-04-10 05:18 By Aliya Sternstein Nextgov 04/09/2012

Teen finds bugs in Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft code
2012-02-03 09:15 By Elinor Mills InSecurity Complex CNet News February 2, 2012

Facebook's Reward for Bug Hunters
2012-01-30 06:23

Forwarded from: Simon Taplin By Jordan Robertson Security BusinessWeek January 26, 2012

NHS Staff Posted Patient Information on Facebook
2011-10-31 05:51 By Anh Nguyen CSO October 29, 2011

Researcher hacks Facebook to expose rival's private	photographs
2011-05-18 08:48 By John E Dunn Techworld 17 May 11 An Australian security researcher has compromised...

Facebook traffic mysteriously passes through Chinese ISP
2011-03-23 07:10 By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 23rd March 2011 For a short time on Tuesday, internet traffic sent between...

Facebook Chief Security Officer to Keynote 2nd Annual HITB Security Conference in Europe
2011-03-04 11:06 Facebook Chief Security Officer to Keynote 2nd Annual HITB Security Conference in Europe Utrecht, The Netherlands 02 March 2011 After the...

'The most stupid criminal ever' pleads guilty to burglary after he stole a laptop and posted photo of himself on owner's Facebook
2011-02-25 07:25 By Daily Mail Reporter 24th February 2011 He didn't exactly stand much...